D&D 5e Creature Feature – Terracotta Devil (CR 9) – #Creatuanary2024

#Creatuanary 2024 Day 10

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached Day 10 of our incredible #Creatuanary 2024 journey!

I am using the Creatuanary Prompt Challenge to craft unique 5e creatures for DMs like you, to unleash upon their worlds. And today’s prompt, “Terracotta Winged Guardian,” led me on an unexpected, devilishly fun path. 😈

Picture this: Sitting perfectly still in a treasure filled tomb is a terrible life like statue of a fiend crafted from seemingly innocuous red clay. Forever it waits until the time to reveal it’s true nature. This perfect embodiment of malevolence formed from pottery, takes blow after blow and is constantly reassembling themselves. Do you dare to set this wicked creation loose on your players? The chaos and terror it could sow – oh, the possibilities!

For those who crave even more creativity, consider joining my Patreon, where you can access content like

🔗 Download the Terracotta Devil Stat Block PDF 🔗






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